Tuesday, June 12, 2012

R2P2D3- LET'S DO THIS!!!!!!!

So today starts my very first day of VLC in Round 2.  I am super nervous because i've been away from the blog, away from the drops, and away from the scale for a while.  During R1P3 I did pretty well.  I actually fell about 4 lbs below my LDW (last drops weight) in R1.  I ended up at 201.4.  The problem is that this past weekend my family all came in town for my son's first Birthday!  It was an eating FEST!  I gained 5 lbs in 4 days!  NO!  I started R2P1D1 at 206.4 and after loading the past 2 days I am now at 207.4.  So i gained another dang pound.  It's OK though, because i'm about to lose it!

I forgot to take my measurements on D1 so i will do them tonight along with pictures.  I have not been good at tracking my progress and posting about it.  This round I am hoping to do better! 

I am SOOOOOO proud of Sabrina and her progress.  She looks AMAZING and has done so well at this.  I am really excited to hear how her husband does! 

I'm sitting here drinking my black coffee with Peppermint Stevia and I tell you what, it's not that bad. 

Let's DO THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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